Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Audio Animatronics Work .......or worked

Here's a vintage episode of "Disney Imagineering" with Eric Boardman, a series of shorts that used to air on the Disney Channel back in the late 80's and very early 90's ....back when the Disney channel actually featured good programming.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"The Muppets" (2011)

Let me tell you... Disney's new muppet film CAN'T come soon enough for me!!! It's been over a decade since Jim Henson's beloved characters graced the big screen. The last time they did, was in 1999's "Muppets From Space". Disney acquired the Muppets in 2004, and after that it was kinda like "Cool, We own the Muppets ....Now what???" They didn't really quite know what to do with them. Enter Jason Segel (TV's How I Met Your Mother, Forgetting Sarah Marshall) ...a HUGE Muppet fan who just happens to have some pull in Hollywood... Segel approached Disney a few years ago with the idea to bring the fuzzy friends back for the new generation to enjoy... and according to Segel, the Disney executives gave him a look of "really? That's why you're here?" LOL Nevertheless... after countless "looks" from many, many people... the film was given a green light! And now, here we are! The most anticipated film in Muppets history is finished filming and is in post-production! The film stars Jason Segel along with Amy Adams, and in true Muppets fashion, an unlimited stream of celebrity cameos ranging from current stars like Jack Black & Zach Galifianakis, to old school favorites like Mel Brooks! Disney and The Muppets are great together as it is... but what about throwing Pixar into the mix??? That's right! Disney asked the fantastic storytellers at Pixar to review and "tweak" the script, and that's just what they did, giving it the classic touch that has made Pixar films nothing less than perfect over the last 30 years!
So what's going on in the video below??? This is footage from a dance rehearsal on the set of Disney's upcoming thanksgiving release, "The Muppets". Now don't worry... Kermit and the gang are NOT CG... They are just not present for the dance numbers unless the cameras are rolling :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Ghosts = New Tombstones

Yet another newly updated queue line is finished! I personally am a huge fan of these interactive queues that are popping up around the property. It's great that Disney is giving us things to do to pass the time while we wait for our turn :)
This one looks incredibly fun! Thanks to InsideTheMagic for the detailed video!

The Hundred Acre Wood Never Looked So Good

"The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh" is probably my favorite animated Disney classic of all time... And now, The attraction based on the film has a whole new look! I, for one, am SUPER excited about the way this turned out! It looks like so much fun!
Thanks to JeffLangeDVD for the great video footage!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Magic, Memories & WOW!!!

Here is a video from WDWNTUBE.com that seems to be the best captured footage of this show so far. The new nighttime spectacular at Walt Disney World is astonishing!!! A perfect blend of hot, modern entertainment mixed with classic Disney retro style! Big Thanks to Taylor Martina from WDWNTUBE for the awesome video!

The Magic, The Memories and You! World Premiere - 1/18/11 from WDWNTube on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Take a Ride on the Rock N' Rollercoaster Simulator!

Here is a simulation of what it's like to ride Rock N' Rollercoaster at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando. Recreating Disney rides on video games has become quite a trend over the last few years with the progression of games like "Rollercoaster Tycoon". This is, in my personal opinion, the best recreation on the net! Take some time and watch the full video if you can, to get yourself in the mood. If you just can't wait to ride it... then skip ahead to about the 6 minute mark... Enjoy your ride on the Rock N' Rollercoaster!!!